High Road Leadership - Bringing People Together in a World That Divides

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Leadership can be a blessing or a curse. It can help people rise up to a better life, or it can cause people to fall into despair. Become part of the solution by becoming a high-road leader.

The world’s most influential leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, tackles the problem of our divided world in his latest book High Road Leadership. “Everything rises and falls on leadership,” says Maxwell. “Today it is causing people to fall—into disputes, frustration, anger, and despair. His solution is to expose the problems of taking the low and middle roads when interacting with others and teach people how to instead take the high road. Leaders who practice high road leadership value all people, do the right things for the right reasons, take accountability for their actions, and place people above their own agenda. In his trademark communication style, Maxwell teaches the principles and practices of high-road leadership that can increase anyone’s influence and help them make their world a better place.

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Chuck Wright
Once again John Maxwell has presented timeless principles for true servant leadership. I have read this book from cover to cover and have begun sharing these principles with those I love and serve. In our world, and particularly in the United States of America, we find ourselves pitted against one another instead of pulled toward one another. Because everything rises and falls on leadership, and leadership is influence, if you influence even one person, you can choose to be a High Road Leader. I have given a copy to each of my 5 children, and encourage you to both read it and share it with others! Thank you John, for not only writing about High Road Leadership but being a High Road Leader!
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Dr.John Hackett
John Maxwell's High Road Leadership is the right book and guide for any leader in any organization in these divisive times. We live in a Leadersad time, where low-road leaders exploit followers for their own gain. This book is built on two major premises ."Everything rises and falls on leadership," and leadership can be learned, refined, and improved to better serve those a leader leads. John's book provides a practical, useful guide for all leaders to change their leadership practices to change our world.This book is not a quick fix; it is a guide to the hard work of being a high-road leader. Get a copy, read it , share it, and live it ..Those you lead deserve to be well led, and here is your roadmap.
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Gretchen O Johnson
I am only up to Chapter 4 in the book, and I have already classified it as a "game changer". John Maxwell speaks with authority, authenticity, and with heart about the overall state of leadership. Read with an open mind and a desire to grow and you will be blessed.
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“Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership!” John C. Maxwell As John also shares, today’s leaders are far too often causing people to fall – into disputes, frustration, anger, and despair. I have seen this first hand.This powerful book will bring character and integrity back to the forefront! Leaders who practice high-road leadership value ALL people, do the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons, take accountability for their actions, and place people above their own agenda.It's an absolutely necessary book for our time! A MUST READ for Everyone!
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You need this if you are a Leader in Todays World!
have followed John Maxwell ever since I was a young Non-Commissioned Officer in the Air Force and this book is right on the mark for todays leadership environment! If you value where our world is heading then make sure you read this book and send it to all the leaders you know, even the ones that think they are leaders. If they truly value others, then they will gain incredible insight and hopefully take the High Road to Great Leadership!
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Texlin Quinney
Well John has done it again! He lifted up a mighty challenge to leaders navigating our current political landscape. Not just government politics but the politics that has seeped into every facet of life’s relationships: work, home, church, school, sports, etc. Wanting to win the argument so bad that we forget we are interacting with other human beings. This book points out and explains the importance of settling differences with a maturity that surpasses the need to be right. It compels you to look inward first to evaluate your own motivation for concluding something and then being open enough to hearing another person’s perspective. You just might learn something about yourself, the other person, and the circumstances that created a disconnect between you and them. This book will have you flipping from page to page. I did not want to put it down. You will do yourself and your teams a disservice if you skip over this book. Here’s to High Road Leadership! Doing things because it’s the right thing to do.
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Darrell Jachim-Moore
In typical fashion, John Maxwell delivers incredible content that is both inciteful and accessible with practical applications for becoming a High Road Leader. What makes this book a must buy is its critical relevance for the divided world in which we find ourselves. A solid treatise not only for long-time leaders, but for all people seeking to live and engage well in a challenging world.
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